Using SMALL in the classroom and a giveaway

Small_HiRescoverAfter reading SMALL in the classroom or library, use the activities below to expand the themes of size, feelings, and empowerment.

Comparing Sizes

How big are you? Have students measure each other with ribbons. Cut the ribbons to size, label, and use these to find things bigger and smaller than themselves. What is bigger than you? What is smaller than you? You can do this exercise indoors or outdoors.

Comparing Emotions

Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper. Have the students draw or write what makes them feel small on one side. Have them draw or write what makes them feel big on the other. Share as a group.

Tell a Story

Have students write and illustrate their own, shorter version of SMALL with a beginning, middle, and end.

Page 1: I feel ___.

Page 2: Until…

Page 3: I feel ___ because I am ___.

There is also an activity kit for SMALL, which can be downloaded here, for free.


A SMALL Giveaway!

Click here to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway of one signed copy of SMALL and a set of classroom bookmarks (limit 50).

Gina Perry is the author and illustrator of SMALL (little bee books, 2017). She was always the smallest girl in her class. Reading big books and swinging super high made her feel big when she was small. She now lives with her family in New Hampshire. She is the author/illustrator of TOO MUCH! NOT ENOUGH! (Tundra, 2018)

6 thoughts on “Using SMALL in the classroom and a giveaway

  1. Gina is very talented and knows how to connect feelings with things children can hold on to and relate to in their lives. I would love to be able to present my favorite teacher with this wonderful gift. As a child of two teachers, I know they use too much of their own money to educate children.


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